March 30, 2007


Kim and I went to the local art showing. It was cool. Two artists were there: Pam Hatch and Richard Kelver. Richard lives in La Porte. It was an informal deal. He spoke with us. That was neat. I felt an urge to buy one of his paintings. However, I really couldn't afford them. It was really neat to see paintings of local scenes. I need to fix up the house so that stuff like his stuff would go. Maybe I can work on that. Something made me sad about seeing his work, even though it was bright and cheerful. Maybe I was thinking about the art being his livelihood. And maybe seeing the volume and the brushstrokes.

Last week I had spoke to the woman there, and thought about putting my stuff there, if not now, eventually. But then I seriously wouldn't want to hurt that guy's business.

It made me not want to muddy the waters. But just for once to appreciate and quit trying to show, show, show. Feet in the stream, and simply standing on pebbles... I can't explain that.


Anonymous said...

There is something valuable about being able to enjoy painting and not having to make a living, or even a profit, from it.

Keith said...

I think it frees you up. My financial goal was to pay for supplies or at least put a dent in it.

I think that maybe doing a selling or two at the Farmer's Market thing might be fun.

We've got enough going!

But you know what? That *frame* is really a surprise. It works. And that rocks.

The *frame*.