March 17, 2007

Use The Force

Continued the painting that I started in the dark. This time I got out before dark, about 7:00pm, and painted until I could see.

Actually, I like this one. It has been good to paint very crazily after working so hard lately.

And I think, that somehow, it translates even in the dark.

I also painted like I felt... and tried to paint the scene too... This is a serpentine path that runs through the back woods.

Not sure if I will work on it more or not.


Keith said...

Put this up in the livingroom and think it is nice.

I really think that something like this on a large scale might be just perfect for the livingroom.

It's kinda bad and good that what ends up looking so fresh and vibrant is when you are just slinging.

But still, I think the hardwork translates. But maybe it isn't any good and tomorrow I'll hate it.

That happens a lot.

I think landscape is where my heart is at (at least for now).

Keith said...

Still like it.