April 29, 2007

Red Bud Circle News - 4/29/2007

Larry's NASCAR gambling winning streak has terminated. Mark took him down by placing his dough on Gordon And Stewart. Despite Martin betting on Gordon, he still won. Stewart got the usual curse. It looks like Miles dug through his kid's piggy bank to pay off last week's loss to Larry... and for this race, he plead for the "Seven Day Grace Period" (SDGP for you text messaging types).

Larry claims he was not "in the zone"... and sluffed off mentally... and did not even make "the challenge" out of what looked like to me - lackadaisicalness. Kinda like Rocky did before getting his head knocked off by Mr. T.

All I have to say is, "Poor Miles". Has he ever won?

On a personal gambling note, I played poker last night and came out on top.


Anonymous said...

mark is back with a vengance!!!!!
we all know why larry was not in "the zone" don't we larry. the rules are there are no rules. myles has won one race. mark will repeat next weekend. thanks for letting someone else win larry. ha! ha! damn it feels good to be a gangsta!

Keith said...

Larry didn't think about the aerodynamic's factor.

I think Myles looses to keep his martyr complex stable.

Anonymous said...

keith, lackidaisicalness spelled backward means "no more fishing". I don't wanna be a playa no mo. I think it's my new complex...and what happened to the police car wash people. They just disappeared..hmmm..very lackidaisical

Keith said...

I saw the mobile-car-washing-police-like truck yesterday.