April 8, 2007

Staying Home

Well... I'm still here...

My motivation puttered out... and ended up making Easter Eggs (old style) with Kaley... playing with "the dude"...

But I must get over the momentum drop... I am half-packed... in more ways than one...

But sitting here and watching a movie sounds kinda nice right now...

And besides, I'm low on white paint... Well not *low*... but unsure if I have enough... I may be low.

My vacations only occur at precise times when the stars align and I *know* it is time to go... I feel it... and I thought I felt it... and still do... but there is a missing piece... don't know what it is...

But all vacations turn out to be adventures, can't wait to be able to go with Kim somewhere at the drop of the hat.

Well off to My Neighbor Totoro

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totoro is a great movie.

Say, if you just get on 35 north for a while, you'll go by my house. You should stop by.
