April 22, 2007

Work & Picasso

I found myself wanting to go to work yesterday and today, and somewhat antsy for Monday to come. After some time of a dry spell, and new learning, I am excited about where we are going.

It is fun to be in a position to take your knowledge into a new area and apply it creatively.

It's awesome and rare to work with people and a place that can support the seeming chaos required to step in a new direction.

To me, an endeavor that requires innovation must have its moments (or periods) of scratching out and strange protrusions.

The space for allowing this is loose, trusting and sheltering; maybe that is free.

I think this is my attraction to software.

There is a lot to be said, for the "soft" in software. To me it is like clay. I dislike processes which rigidize development... but I realize they have their place.

That might sound like a lot of bull.

And you have to put up with the bull.

Anyways, I thought I'd post a happy work post.

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