June 13, 2007

Across The Street

There is an undercover cop sitting in front of this yard right now. Only, everybody in this neighborhood knows he is undercover, including, I bet, the one being "staked" out.

So... he isn't that undercover.

I thought about Penny on this one because the mailbox was kinda fun. It was cocked off the post a little bit.

If Clouseau, as I've just nicknamed him, really wants to blend in, he ought to go get a 12 pack of Natural Light and throw up some vintage NASCAR in a designated garage. Drop the orange cones, bud.


Penny said...

I hd to look hard to find the mailbox and where is the undercover fellow?

Keith said...

He isn't pictured in the drawing, however the window on the very right may look like somebody behind a tree, maybe a mouth with a cigarette... maybe