June 18, 2007


I noticed that there was a crew working late tonight. They were working through a contigency plan if the Russian Guidance and Navigation computers fail again during tomorrow's undocking of the shuttle and International Space Station.

Kaley was asking what I did at work. She didn't know what simulation was. So, in her terms, we are playing a game to see what we would do if something goes wrong tomorrow.

Kinda like, we make a Webkinz dizzy, and make sure if that happens and the Webkinz falls, it doesn't get hurt.

The problem I am working on is a problem that sounds fancy:
Data from the saturation test performed indicates that one of the sensors – the Lateral BITE sensor (word 9) – may not unsaturate when all the other sensors do, upon FMS calibration. It is predicted that a second calibrate command will result in unsaturating this sensor resulting in a completely unsaturated (i.e. nominal) FMS system.

Kaley translation:
They have to press the button twice and they should only have to press the button once.

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