June 27, 2007

Mother And Baby

Our neighbor had a baby two days ago. Fourth boy. His name is Derrik.


Anonymous said...

Aw..this is sweet! I really like your Picasso-ish simple drawings.

Keith said...

It is fun and challenging to draw a very simple drawing that conjures up something with real feeling.

And subtle lines make a big difference.

For instance, the baby looks asleep because the head looks tilted forward. The head looks tilted forward because the line comes from the bottom (and slightly back) from the circle.

I could go on and on about this simple drawing, but it'd get boring.

But one thing I thought about was the following. What if people saw this image and thought "loving mother holding sleeping child". And the image became part of culture and a written language. Then a shorthand was found. What would the shorthand symbol look like?