July 14, 2007

Art Walk On The Strand

Taking a canvas and paints to Galveston, then plan to visit "The Art Walk". Don't know what I'm going to paint. Kovi really likes boats. We'll see. May not paint at all.

Had fun today with Kovi at Starbucks. The next door neighbor's invited us to Maria's 30th b-day party. Hopefully, I can catch the end of that.

For the past several days, I've been sleeping well. I can't even explain how nice it is to wake up and be shocked at the clock, "9:30am!!! Wow!"

Well off to be an art jock. I sure hope something pops out at me. Right now, I don't feel like it will... oh well... if nothing else... I'll get to see some local art (I hope!).

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