And another la la la.
Ta ta ta.
Yo yo ma.
Shish boom bah.
Na na na na... hey hey hey...
If necessity is the mother of invention, what is the mother of the things you can live without?
This is the question I leave for the next 1000 years before 07/07/3007.
My answer for this millennium is "DINOSAUR". But I am wary of this answer and *know* it can't be correct... but I offer it for the next 1000 years... as man, woman, dog, cat and other four footed creatures (and bipeds) enter this next stretch of time...
Learn! Collect! Engage! Eat healthy!
i bet if we had some bavarian beer and a couch in my garage we could figure out alot more than just the next 1000 years
life is too short to drink Cheap Beer!
Not just any couch, but a sectional one.
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