Last year, about this time, I did that first Lincoln.
Looking back on all the work I did this year makes me think I am crazy. Thankfully, I've found an outlet for that pent up energy and non-stop thinking and guilt-trip feeling.
This sorta thing has always been there, I just had no decent way to let it go. I never got too much of a response from writing anybody (and I wonder why???). The show and subsequent compliments and questions from my local Starbucks has been really fun.
Onwards! :-D
Yeh, Keep painting/drawing pic ass o...you're a natural.(lite);)
Yeah, you're a budding(weiser) artist.
Crazy is a very subjective term. Isn't it a bit crazy to spend your whole life doing business to make money and set your retirement and living the status quo and never once asking yourself , "Why am I here? What are we all doing???"
Besides, I always told you I Liked angst-ridden guys... ;-)
Your art is taking off like the space shuttle.
They are about to retire the space shuttle!
What is all this talk about beer?
I had to take off work today because my stupid arm is about to fall off from too much programming. I am at the library.
Man, I just saw some artwork of Big Bend by Dennis Blagg. I feel like the shuttle just got grounded. But that is a good thing. Practice!
Hey, I am also getting a book on Rembrandt. My tiny look into the book blows me away. Also looked at Pissarro (not Picasso).
After looking at Blagg's work and checking out Pissarro, I realize that Pissarro warmed me, whereas I was more taken by Blagg in the head.
Pissarro is like the gentle background to the Impressionists Fury. I don't know what I mean.
I'm hungry... and need to quit typing.
Okay...you are tsking off like ... what's after the shuttle???
I am glad you are getting a break. Watch out for those weirdos on library computers!
I am looking forward to my hair appt. tonight! (a major male/female difference, I am sure)
The Crew Exploration Vehicle
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