April 6, 2008

Winding Way

I packed up the car last Wednesday. Been waiting for the right moment to take off. Yesterday, was going to go to Quintana to paint that shrimp boat. A sign in Alvin read "The road to a friend's house is a short one." I hit the turn around. I asked myself, "Where to?" And my eyes landed on a road sign called "Winding Way". Am now on the outskirts of Austin at my mother-in-law's. Drew at a scenic overlook around Smithville. I have no idea where I'm going. One thing I really hate is sleeping in the car. I hate paying hotels more. Maybe I'll call Kim to update the blog.

Thanks Kim for encouraging me to chase whatever that thing is I'm always after.

What I really want to do is go to Washington State. I just don't think I have it in me to drive there. Well. It's fun to feel like you can take any turn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have tickets - you can fly there! I'll be happy to update your blog if you want. Tried to call you - just got voice mail. We are doing great. Have fun! :-) Mom loves her drawing.