Each year, I've invested in wood tools. I invested early this year.
Now I will be able to make boards from logs... well as long as they are cured. May want to hit daddy up for some mesquite.
Went to the museum of fine arts in downtown Houston this week. This time, I was checking out the frames.
I have quite a collection of good handtools and machinery. This is partially for daddy's retirement (hint hint) and to pass to Kovi.
I do not like assembling these things. It is daunting looking at the parts in the box.
PS: I also got a tenoning jig. This is going to help a lot.
PPS: I' got a tri-square last year that is so fine that you'd almost pay to use it. It's so fine.
Tim the Toolman would be jealous!
Daddy said to tell you that retirement appears to be coming soon, so you never know what the future holds!!! He was VERY impressed by your new toy!!! Mom
I haven't put it together. I want to anchor it to the garage floor, and need to decide how I want to arrange things.
I think it'd really something to mill our own wood. You have to have a kiln for that, I think. I know a guy that does that for a living in Seguin. I should go and see him.
But I really need to focus on painting... err Kovi, Kaley... err Kim...
Just gotta focus.
But for the frames, I think I like the more plain ones like they do for modern art.
I re-read my book on joinery today. Also carved a "little people" for Kovi (and painted it).
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