Having larger machinery doesn't take away the need for smaller handtools for fine tuning.
It's amazing how much you can learn by trying to make a square or a cube.
A note on encapsulation - we encapsulate, draw a square around it, encapsulate something else, draw a square around that and then draw a line between the two squares. We make hierarchies, trees, networks like that. We do that to get the big picture.
I was never good at encapsulation. When I took math I always had to take it all the way back. The further I got, the harder it was for me to remember how to get back. It may have been because the foundational concepts were always a mystery to me. I don't think I ever got past square one.
In order to get anything done, you can't do that. But what gets done anyway? I think I'll always be here, on the verge of nowhere and everywhere.
Practically speaking, encapsulations are true abstractions. They are models. The reality they represent has tendrils in connection with its environment which flows itself. We encapsulate, maybe rightly, to shield ourselves from the mystery, but wrongly to assume by encapsulating we have understood it.
The relational models we come up with by constructing lines between encapsulations have to be pretty far off, maybe to the point of being useless. I know that is not true entirely, but you tell me what is useful.
All this is to say is that I have a pet peeve. This is the point of this post. Here's my pet peeve. When somebody says, "Yeah yeah". That's what gets me. Do you get my meaning? Having drawn the square, it's erroneous to conclude that we understand what we have attempted to bound to constantly disregard any mystery.
Now if I get a comment that says, "Yeah, yeah" to this post, I will not be peeved; I'll be happy you read this much. That is a rap. Vacation is over. This will be called "The Vacation to My Backyard" :D
1 comment:
yeah, yeah....
But what about Pluto????
My encapsulation has been destroyed!!!!b
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