1I got it running. I still have all my fingers. I do have a mark on my left arm that looks like Wolverine got a hold of me. When I opened up the new band saw blade it sprung open. I think that woodworking is probably not the smartest thing for me to do.
That said, I think that this thing is really going to help. I think that many of the dangerous jobs that I have been doing with the table saw I can now do with the bandsaw. I already have a new appreciation for what the table saw can do, not to mention appreciating what the bandsaw can do.
I have been preoccupied with joinery for the longest time. I read much of my book on joinery today again.
It is all about mortising, dados, rabbets, dovetails, tenons, scarfs, fingers, splices, keys, dowels, slots, clamping, bridles, laps, coopering, interlocking, miters etc. After all it is a book about joinery.
This may be very obvious, it was not obvious to me. In order to ensure a good fit between two boards, the two boards have to be milled.
It has taken me three years to obtain the proper machinery to get a straight board. I am still uncomfortable with that machinery, and I am already reading about joinery.
I want to make frames. There you go.
Very nice piece of equipment
How is your arm? I guess "milled" means to cut both boards on the flat side the same? Yes....I remeber those construction work days...that's why the power saws frighten me!
I am using voice recognition. my arms are fine. Wolverine was an exaggeration. it is more like MiMi scratched me.
Milled == all 6 sided square and parallel... at the dimensions you pick.
I would love to mill something from a log... something from mom and daddy's house. Would like to look into curing.
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