September 27, 2008

Vermeer's Milk Maid Provokes Skinhead

Milja gave me a magnet with Vermeer's Milk Maid. I took it to the cafe and drew it. Thought it was really good considering that I just did that with no measurements or grid or anything from a small magnet.

So I'm drawing this and this guy comes up and runs his finger all over the drawing, bends it and tries to rub on it some more. I had already put fixative on it, so his smudging didn't do anything. I was just touching up. Then he snapped it down and looked at me. He looked like a skinhead. I just shrugged my shoulders and waved my hands like "whatever". Then he yapped something. I said, "Huh?" Then he walked to the back.

Then I kept seeing myself pounding the guy in the face with my fist. One good hit. Then all his buddies commence to beating me and throwing me in the alley and kicking me...

I had met a guy from Czechoslovakia earlier, and walked over and told him what happened. He said, "You must be kidding!" That guy was funny. He was very proud that his country has the highest beer drinking per capita in the world. For him, life was "too beautiful" for such things to happen. Girls were beautiful. Beer was beautiful. Especially beer. So, I mustn't think of such badness, but believe in goodness and drink lots more beer.

I told him I knew some Russian. He seemed positive that Russian and Czech were not related. "Name one word that's common!", he said. I told him that I didn't know but was pretty sure. I should have remembered that his name was Vladimeer, which is Russia... which would have been pretty funny. I just said, "Count to five." That put him out, he said "Okay"...

Putting that together makes me want to title this post, "Vladimeer's Beer Maid".

PS: I think the maid here is tall because the table was out in front of me... and it looks more normal looking at that low angle.

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