Since hurricane Ike, finally the electric company came to mark where the electric lines are so the fence dudes could poke holes.
I got a knock on the door. My neighbor, Bart, was all excited. The fence dude hit an electric line. He said, "It went sha-pow! Lucky he's okay!" I said, "You mean after all that, they marked the lines wrong, could have killed the guy?!?"
Of course it was my line. The electric company came out and fixed it. Bart and I talked to the guy for an hour or so while he did his work. They told stories. I never saw the whole movie, and don't know exactly why, but something about the guy reminded me of the black character in "The Green Mile" withTom Hanks.
It was kinda weird at one point. The man was laying down in the hole working on the wires (which he kept hot the whole time). He was missing his small crimper. Bart said it was probably in a pawn shop. That went into thievery. The man said, "They'll get what's comin' to them." Bart said something about getting some lead in 'em. The man said, "Once a thief, always a thief" Bart said, "Well no. I stole everything when I was young." The man stood up tall, leaned back, and said, "I told ya, you gots what comin' to ya." Bart said, "I was only a kid, I didn't know." The man said, "You knowed."
On another note... this is the third night in a row I've woken to spitting up. My stomach has been acting up for a few days so I think it is temporary. I hope so. It burned my esophagus this time. I coughed for about 15 minutes with this crap all lodged in the back of my throat.
Man, I am sorry your stomach is acting up!
That is a great story! Like something out of a novel.
If the burning persists, you should consider getting some Nexium. It really worked well for me. I didn't realize how much acid reflux was interrupting my sleep until I tried it.
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