November 24, 2008


There is something altogether artificial about working at JSC, even living here - no matter what I do I can't help feeling out of touch.

The last time I felt really good was being in Austin. My gills are heaving.

This house is about to have new floors, new kitchen, new roof, new fences and foundation repair.

Kim wrote me today, "Let's move to Austin." It's not out of the question for a "For Sale" sign to be stuck in the front yard.

But don't get your hopes up Kim; I think I'm just missing you guys. I'm excited about the progress on the house.

Keep Austin Weird. Man, my psychiatrist should have figured out that all I am is a displaced Austinite. Actually, I think he did figure that out. He always says, "Bud, this place ain't gonna change. It's nuts. You're a hippie. Ever read Thoreau? You were born in the wrong generation. You would have loved the sixties."

PS: I was having this strange strange dream when I woke. I was deep sea fishing in a house... and the house had to be designed for the fishing line to pass through certain ways with little levers and stuff so it wouldn't get tangled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I WANT it and I WANT it NOW!!!!!!