June 13, 2009

Kaley Drawing Post Analysis

This was a comment, but was so long decided to post it. It also pushes Rush further down... I'm looking forward to seeing that post disappear.

The actual drawing looks better. It is really difficult to do. If you are off by just a little, it gets all funkified.

Teeth are extremely difficult. An itsy-bitsy line can make the whole face look like a witch.

I think the problem here is that I'm not drawing Kaley as a whole. I'm focusing on pieces which gives her this discontinuous look. This is because it's so hard for me to do that I can't just let it flow... which means I need to practice a lot more... and learn more.

It also means that I don't understand the underlying structure very well.... as well as how a slight turn of the head works with foreshortening and all that.

And this is why I need to keep drawing instead of going to the art store and making a big mess out of Neil Armstrong :)

I also need to work from live objects rather than pictures and paintings. With real objects it adds a bunch more complexity.

The good thing is that I *really* appreciate, probably not even to the extent I should, those boring portraits by Rembrandt. I don't just appreciate; I enjoy them.

All those old dudes went to school early on.

PS: I actually fell asleep today... during the day... do they call that "a nap"?


Diane said...

Keith, I will drive you to the art store! Let me know when...

Keith said...

If you are ever this way, let me know. Don't make a special trip. Spoonbill Mark offered me his truck, so I've wheels if I need them. Maybe I just like pretending I'm a starving artist... speaking of which... I'm rapidly running out of food!

Anonymous said...

Vetter, you know you can use the Jeepster anytime...or anything else here that has wheels on it...

Kim said...

Thanks for the offers, Diane and Larry! (and Mark :-)) Sorry I drowned the car, Keith. The drawing is really good - but just not as good as some you have done - or I am just too close to the subject!

Keith said...

Thanks for the car/ride offers. Might take you up on the jeep Larry. I'm going to have to go to HEB and get some grub at some point.