June 3, 2009

NASA Contracts to Paint Armstrong Portrait

[SPECIFICATIONS] The specifications are: (1) One (1) each: The artist will prepare a prototype study/concept sketch for approval of content and concept prior to executing the large oil painting. (2) One (1) each: The artist will deliver one large oil painting on canvas, approx. 5ft in height and 6 ft in width of Neil Armstrong. [SOLE SOURCE EXPLANATION] NASA/DFRC intends to purchase the item from Dr. Robert T. McCall.



Robert said...

Keith - Maybe you can do the painting of Neil Armstrong too...and present it to NASA (for free)...and maybe it would be better than the commissioned painting...who knows waht might happen...of course then the commissioned artist would be offended (or feelings hurt)...oh well...just typing out loud...

Keith said...

I think the commissioned artist has done several paintings for NASA and is something like 90 years old.... but yeah... I think that'd be fun to do.

Keith said...

Robert, I don't know if you still read the comment feed, but if you catch this I'm seriously considering doing that painting and turning it in for free. I have an idea. Kim and the kids are leaving me here for a week and a half... so I'll have some solid time. I think I can do it. The specs on the painting would push me to my limits. The width is supposed to be about 6ft....(