September 14, 2009

Dream About Socialism

I just woke up from one of those intense dreams that seem to last for hours - very detailed, real etc.

I was in a socialist country interviewing workers, politicians, professors, activists about their socialist system. They didn't speak English. I had a translator at some point... other points I was speaking to people who understood English to a certain degree. One point I was on the "socialist front" and had joined a group that was guarding enemy lines.

The last part of the dream I was with a group of software engineers that hardly spoke any English, I was trying to figure out what the consequences would be if I didn't do my job. They didn't understand, so I started messing with them. I'd interrupt their conversation. I'd go, "Blah blah!!!" when they tried to talk. They'd stick a CD in a drive and I'd take it out. They'd try it again and I'd take it out. I kept asking, "What would happen if I kept doing this???" They kept trying to be polite, not understanding me, and I was getting flustered because I hoped they didn't think I was just messing with them that I was trying to communicate my question... anyhow *finally* after seeing them beginning to get irritated they fell into a smile realizing what I was asking and said, "We'd fire you!!!"

I woke to my most burning question, "What if I wanted to start a business?!?!"

After I read about NASA's future, it made me think about what I'd do next if NASA were to fold, or fold Spoonbill out. It is a real possibility. I hope Mark agrees, think he does, that Spoonbill is really fun. It was almost an experiment at my wits end three years ago. This may sound arrogant, but I just can't see working for anybody else at the moment. I'm so so so so so so sooooooooooo glad that I don't work for my former employer!!! OMG!!! It was a mental death sentence. What if I would have stayed???!!!??? Ahhh! Panic!!! I'm sorry, but it is just true - for me.

Well! I best get my little butt to working! The Mark Polansky drawing is framed. Think it turned out good.


Frankie said...

I'm looking forward to seeing that Polansky drawing!

Keith said...

I will be sure and bring it in to show you.