September 29, 2009


When I bought Mac dictate for the Macintosh I wasn't sure if it would be returnable. I brought it up to the cashier and asked him if it was returnable. He said it was. I asked him if he was sure. He said it was. I went ahead and paid for it. When I got the receipt I scanned over it and asked one more time if he was certain because the package had software along with the headset. He said he knew what I was talking about and it didn't "have that number".I almost asked the guy to sign the receipt... then I thought I was being paranoid. It was just a long shot for it to work and the package cost $177.

Today, I took it back in. The customer service man told me it was not returnable. I told him that the cashier had told me it was returnable. he asked me which cashier and I believe he asked me, "What did he look like?" He told me point blank that I should not have listened to the cashier and that they were low-paid. What got me was how indignant he was about it. Somehow, I was at fault for not realizing I was dealing with a cashier who would not know return policies. I went on to tell him that the cashier said that the box didn't have some number on it which designated it non-returnable. He had passed the box back to some lady. He asked her, "What about the number?" She said, "It's got the number." Then he turned to me... like I was supposed to know what that meant. I asked him, "So next time, I should find a manager instead of asking the cashier questions?" He said, "Yes".

I am so glad Frankie wasn't there.

Anyhow, the manager did give me a "gift certificate". Little pink houses for you and me!


Robert said...

Keith - Your story frustrates me so much. Not only will Frys likely lose you as a customer, but they will lose everyone to whom you tell the story. They should know better than that. Down with Fry's. I use for all of that kind of stuff now anyway.

Keith said...

Getting stuff at Fry's makes me feel like a slimeball. It's really yucky there. I need to plan ahead so I don't have to do that. It's my fault for wanting to get something quickly... and not planning ahead. I feel tarnished like I need to take several baths... and get squeaky clean and go through some penance... get out in the sun and sweat real sweat... smeall a grassy field... breath... Ooooo!!!! Blech!!!! Spit... Yuck!!!

Frankie said...

I can't... I don't have the words to...

why do people even... I just can't understand.