October 9, 2009


That sense of wonder is what fuels me. I think I'm past the point where they can stamp it out of me. My small part, simulation... I'm trying... And laughing to myself right now at how much I need to improve... It's amazing how little one accomplishes... Oh my.

Here's to Engineering Doug Graphics for Exploration! Here's to running it on Snow Leopard! Here's to pink spoonbills knee deep in snow! Here's to loss of sleep! Here's to segmentation faults! Here's to the Augustine commission! Here's to GPUs! Graphic Shaders! The myriad of software languages! The incompatibilities! Macintosh Windows Linux! Java, C++, Tango Charlie Lima, Tk, Python, C! Larry Wall! CMMI! Process improvement! Budget cuts! Bureaucracy! Virtual reality! Trick! Small business, big business! Repetitive Stress Injury! Here is to the tangled knots! Cheers to it all!


Anonymous said...


Kim said...

I'll drink to that one!!!

Robert said...

Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your na-a-ame, and their always glad you ca-a-ame.