October 3, 2009

Gestures & Wii White Board

I was going to post a video of this, but the actress in the house is at a friends house. I was telling Mark about the precision of the mouse being problematic for my pain. I have no pain painting. I would rather close a window by swishing my hand. That night, Mark did a bit of investigation on his own time on gesture support on Linux. The next day, I was using Frankie's infrared EXPO dry erase marker and Mark's gesture stuff in tandem. Kaley got involved and suggested a heart-shaped gesture to open Firefox. All that with Bluetooth wireless voice-recognition was pretty cool. I need to refine it. Maybe one day, I will be Tom Cruise in Minority Report :-)


Frankie said...

also, firefox has a neat gestures plugin.. makes it easy to search, go back, open and close tabs, etc. might be useful for you.

Keith said...

Actually, Dragon's voice interaction with Firefox is really nice. I probably should upgrade to Dragon version 10. I think they did a lot more work in that area.

Frankie said...

also, i posted a link on my personal blog with a neat video of an extension on google wave... check it out if you haven't already.


Keith said...

I saw it. I wanna try it!