March 8, 2010

Old Email

Went over old e-mail (years back), some blips:

For quite some time I have been at crossroads.  I've put a lot of effort in trying out open software technologies and wondering how they could benefit us here.  In the process, I've tossed more than I've kept.  Honestly, I feel a bit empty-handed.

I think there is a much better way for us to develop and share software here at JSC.  I am not sure what that way is, and have thought that I could do something to show.  However, each area is very involved.
I've done this several times, and all the while thinking, "Who will use this?"  Honestly, I've gotten kinda down because, for the most part, I think we are too busy.

However I'm pretty much stagnant when it comes to seeing it happen because I just can't do it [].  And even if I was to evangelize the merits of [such and such] and answer all questions, would it be used?  Would it matter?
 I know I'm tired when I talk like this, but this is something I come back to quite often and it may center around my role which I am sometimes happy with, confused with and sometimes awkwardly disconnected by.  Some of this is due to my not being able to program like I used to.

I hate the formality of the pyramid scheme.  And honestly, I think I am in a fantasy world at times thinking we are a bunch of developers.  There are a handful.  Maybe that is the real problem.  Mainly, I think I am frustrated with myself.  I honestly thought I could do it all, but it takes so much to get just a small thing right.... and there are a million ways to screw something up... and it takes a lot to choose correctly... and it takes rolling with the new... and keeping feelers out...  Developers and the technical people do that.


I don't know about being creative.  Lot of people say that.  I'm really a problem solver... and maybe creative along the way, maybe.  Maybe stubborn about the way I go about solving something... which isolates... which causes more ups and downs.

Maybe being impulsive about decisions comes off as creative, but misinterpreted really because I think I'm pretty persistent and singular...

The urgency centers around solving something... and requires mess... but not the ultimate end

The intuitive sense of timing can be seen as creative too, but some crux comes and you know you are standing at a "crossroad"...

The crazy moves aren't gambles or calculated... they are honest... i.e. the case is made... I've done my end... if it falls through... it's time to move on.

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