July 26, 2010

Dragon Fly

Yesterday, I saw this dragonfly lying on the sidewalk. Tied it to a thin line and dropped it in still water. Made it jitter a little. The little rings around it made it look like it was struggling. 

I just about know I want to get a fly rod.

I was unsuccessful trying to fish the other half of my rod.  I tried for about 20 minutes.  Pulled up several sticks about the same diameter.

Back to fly fishing.  If you ask my kids what I like to play, they will hopefully respond "catch" (or maybe dodgeball --- I always throw).  I pitched when I was in baseball.  Played frisbee golf, football, basketball, yoyo, played washers, shot bbguns, slingshots... I still enjoy skipping rocks for hours.  My first word was "ball".  At NASA, I wrote a tutorial about a ball.

What I'm getting at is I like the *tossing* part of fishing.  Landing a fly like a fly near a lily pad just seems too cool.  Being out on a cool morning (eventually) in walking distance from the house, landing a bass off of a fly rod before work just seems way cool.

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