October 27, 2010

Vanguard - Any Advice?

I am looking into various retirement options and college savings.  There are so many companies out there.  So many ways to do it.  Has anybody had any experience with Vanguard?  I was thinking about opening a SEP-IRA as well as a 529 thru them.

Vanguard Info

Business Info


Frankie said...

vangaurd is well known for their funds. you should go talk to Borland in the TRICK lab. he researches and reads quite a bit about investing and mutual funds and he is a big proponent of vangaurd. I bet he could help you out quite a bit. send me an email and I can give you his contact info.

Keith said...

Thanks, Frankie. Borland emailed me recently about RSI so I've got his email. I'll ping him.