November 10, 2010

Nasa Writes To Spoonbill

Got a letter from NASA today.  It was addressed to "Spoonbill Services - Attn. Mr. Keith Vetter, President".  They got the address wrong, but rosebuds aren't so bad.

Paid Mark today.  We (actually Mark) did the accounting.  All the numbers are good.  Everything is paid - taxes, health insurance etc.  Partial pennies are even accounted for.

I split an award check I got from NASA with Mark.  The only glitch is that he has to figure out how to split it and make all the tax stuff work right.  Talked with Mark about what he is doing for his Ph.D. thesis.  It's not about Blue Beam unless he is one of the ant people.  He is doing some kinda machine learning stuff writing computer programs that analyze imagery off of Mars and somehow learn and does some kinda cool stuff.

I went to "Fishing and Tackle Unlimited" today.  It's off of Fuqua along I-45.  Took Kovi.  Neat place.  There was a young guy manning the fly fishing area.  He was fun to talk to.  Even got a couple good fishing stories.

I really like fly fishing.  I went out in the gray rain and cast into a drainage ditch under a bridge... and just loved it.  I love the "hopper" patterns.

Still wet from the rain - over and out... President Vetter

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