November 20, 2010

The Quick

I was in a town driving at night. I went to a building. There was a large group of people. I joined the crowd. The crowd began to move after we were given instructions. I followed the instructions. Sometimes part of the group would head off the wrong way. The doors closed on them. I came to a room full of large rubber duckies. We had to walk on them without falling. Next hallway.

Throw in Bob Marley singing "Exodus!"

This went on and on. At last we came to a meeting hall. We were praised for being quick. I noticed that the people around me seemed interesting. We were told we could meet "grandpa" after the meeting. Wine was passed around. The speaker had a few people in our group stand up. They had some freakish characteristics. One guy had huge furry hands each with four long fingers. He held them up high.

I say, "Exodus! Movement of Jah people!"

This upset one gentleman. He stormed out of the room. The meeting was adjourned. The man next to me told me there was wine left over. Almost everybody left. I wanted to meet grandpa. I wondered if this was part of another test. The show did seem over. I wasn't convinced.

We know where we're going! We know where we been!

I found grandpa. He seemed busy.he was tinkering around with something in a small room. He came out. About five of us gathered around him at a table. All were intelligent and warm. He wanted us to pitch in $200. If we paid, he said that next time we could be leaders. Normally, I would have taken this all to be a con. After some thought, I realized this was how they supported the enterprise. One girl voiced my concern. She said it would be uncomfortable for her.

Are you satisfied (with the life you're living)? Uh!

I was taken aside by a young woman. It was down to one - me. I was led to a back room. There was a cave entrance. The cave was molded out of the blue plastic. The woman pressed the button and doors slid open. we got in a small elevator. Same blue plastic. The elevator had pickets or blinds and I could see I was in a maze of some sort. We were spinning this way and that. The moldings were more intricate. I told the woman that I was going to fail this test. I told her I had a bad sense of direction. No matter. The elevator stopped. We proceeded to go up blue plastic ladders.

Send us another brother Moses!

She began moving faster. I was having trouble keeping up. The last thing I saw was a dining table. It looked to be made out of mahogany. It stood out against the blue plastic. She disappeared up another ladder. I was being led to this table. It was then that I woke up.

We're leaving Babylon, y'all!
We're going to our Father's land.
Exodus! Movement of Jah people!

Move. Move. Move.

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