February 22, 2011

#2 or #3 Etc.

I dreamed last night that I had either a #2 or #3 flyrod.

Helped Kaley work through her first algebra problem.

Worked on the 16'x10' backdrop to Guys And Dolls.

Threw a meatball in the yard and let Jr. out.  Did not tell him there was a meatball in the yard.  No hints.  He caught the scent and went zigzagging.  Was so excited for him when he landed it.

Worked some UML today.  The Bouml dude looks upset.  There's a disclaimer when you use his stuff saying that this is his last release because of some squabble with Wikipedia.  The opensource guys fight just like anybody else.  Think we just need to get outside and off these danged computers.

Bart's going fishing in the a.m.

Kaley and I are going to see a play called "Billy Elliot" tomorrow evening at "theatre under the stars" (TUTS)

Watched "Rescue Heroes" with Kovi.

It goes on and on...


I just don't know sometimes.  Just want to savor... and not hop...  on and on...

1 comment:

Kim said...

Let's try to make simplicity happen.