February 12, 2011

Jerry's Artarama To Moses Lake

I drove to North Houston to Jerry's Artarama yesterday.  I went there to get "Old Holland" paints.  It's the best art supply store I've been to.  It not only has a wide selection, the prices are really good.  Not only are the prices good, there's a crazy artist girl cashier saying stuff like, "yeah, well in this art store the people that work here do art, not like the other stores", "the van gogh line of paints suck, I'm ashamed that we have them in this store [I agree]", "that guy is an airbrush artist - I mean that is what he does - that's all he does"...

I feel very at home with art type people.  They aren't out to get you to do something.  They probably won't convince you of anything.  If you are strange, you're in good company because they will enjoy or understand.  So you can relax, try something, maybe dilly daddle - maybe or maybe not.  No formulating.  You don't have to have it down.  Quirks okay.

And something cool might happen.  Who knows if in two minutes, just two minutes --- something will just spring out of the air...  With art people I always feel like something could happen at any moment.  It's like you are pushing into time right at the tip of the 'V' and rolling with it... assimilating the moments in expectation... hard to explain.  And the something that might happen, even the "ordinary" is somewhat transcendent...

I left there and had a craving for sushi.  A lady with a tooth missing at a Kroger on 518 told me to head down to 96 and head east.  She told me she got her California Sushi at that Kroger.  That was awesome.  So I went there.  A coke and sushi.  The sushi was called "Three Hotties".  Three of the twelve rolls lit me up.  I thought that was cool.

Went to Moses Lake.  Painted at a point that sits about 20 feet above the lake.  The painting is boring, but I had a good time trying to capture sky meets land meets water.  It was chilly, calm and clear.

I felt so good the entire day.  Enjoyed listening to music.  Happy that I'm off that medicine and knowing that the good mood was mine not induced by medicine washing my brain in serotonin and norepinephrine.

In a while, we may go to see alligators today at Brazos Bend State Park.  The rule will be - no cellphones.

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