March 23, 2011

Math At UT

Just perused the faculty in the math department at UT.  Saw some familiar faces :-)  I started smelling the musty rooms!

Beside each face they had their field of specialty.  Ended up reading some on : Representation Theory

Five days of no beer and I'm staying up late after work reading about math.

Man... category theory...  Dude, I'm itching to learn.  Maybe it's just a passing thing.

PS: I'm officially "in print"... I was surprised while reading Craig's book yesterday, I was quoted.  In my quote I was sorta being the "devil's advocate" and suggesting one not throw away metaphor and abstraction.  Funny.

PPS: I see my stats on the blog have plummeted for the past couple of posts.  Doesn't everybody love math and the Spermbirds!?!?!

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