June 15, 2011

Bass Pro

A really cool nice guy just spent about an hour talking to me about salt-water fly fishing.  He ended up showing me how to tie a shad looking fly with "neer hair and wing-n-flash".  It was really cool.  He even took me outside and showed how he'd retrieve.  Also taught me a new knot (Lefty Loop (after Lefty Krey)) for subsurface streamers.  He told me because I was thinking that the clinchknot might not be letting the fly swim right.

I am at the point where I had built up enough questions (and a wall) to really absorb the answers.

An older gentleman works there who was heading to some spot up north for fishing.  When the young man stepped aside, the older man told me that this guy was the best fly tyer he's seen and he's been fishing 70 years.  The older man told me he was friends with a guy - when he said the guy's name I know I should have known who it was... I said, "I'm sorry, I haven't heard of him."  So he told me some history... and making a fly tying machine out of an old Singer Sewing machine... knowing the inventor of some bone fly... fishing Yellowstone...  It was great.

Also had a good talk about the day I stayed out until 12:30 am.  He asked me a lot of questions and determined that more than likely redfish and trout were feeding... the pop I was hearing was trout... the freight train through the shad was redfish.  The guy was telling me what happened - and I was like, "Yeah!  That's what happened!"

I'm going to go try again.  I'm excited.  If I could land one of those speckled trout with a homemade shad fly --- I think I'd jump up and down from joy.

I seriously doubt I will.  But one day... I'm going to get it.


Kim said...

Wish I could have been there! :)

Keith said...

Great fishing day. I had a really good sized trout (I think) on the line. He flew out of the water and popped my line loose. Also had another... and lost it. I'm doing something wrong with my slack. Need to figure that out.

But it was still great. Fished alone along the oyster beds on the other side of the channel to Moses Lake.

Oh. I have a picture. I'll see if it is any good.

Keith said...

Shoot! I left my camera right there beside me where I was last fishing :(

Dude. It's 11:18... and I'm going to have to drive all the way there :(

You know what.

I know it'll probably be gone tomorrow morning, but I don't think I can stand driving all the way back right now.

This may be a picture-less blog for a while :(

Keith said...

Maybe, just maybe nobody will see that flybox with the camera in it. I was going to take a picture of a fish if I got one, so I set the box on a rock. Dang it.

If the stars are good, I'll not only retrieve the camera but catch a fish...

What are the odds in that???