June 14, 2011


Okay, I just found out that Kaley was putting in insulation down South.

Paw, she's putting in insulation!

That's like the worst job in the universe - except for what I had to do which was "pookying" insulation in a 134 degree attic...

No - I have worse.  Working in Baton Rouge with Bubbles on the roof of Embassy Suites in the summer with 100" sheetmetal duct for the atrium and not being allowed to use the elevator on that 8 story building.  My dad can only understand Bubbles saying, "Gimme a hammer" and I'd run the full 8 down and back and hear, "and my screwdriver" and the full eight down and up and hear, "not the flathead, the Philips, are you SURE you're your daddy's son, you idiot, now go down and gimme the Phillips with the red handle - and DONT USE THE ELEVATOR, it's too slow."

No, that wasn't the worst.  The worst was the NightHawk in Austin.  Brian was going through the divorce and he took all his anger out on me for three months in the 3 foot crawl space which was corrugated tin on top... in 100 degree blistering sun... a virtual oven... with full welding gear... getting cussed out for every move I made.  So imagine, a giant tin expanse under August heat with three foot underneath in dirt in 100 degree weather... welding! and get cussed out for moving or not moving.  One bad thing that happened was that I got a severe burn on my arm that I accidentally set on a freshly welded joint of eight inches black iron pipe - that was the worst I got cussed out for being such an idiot - idiot - idiot - idiot!

It reminded my of my last fun fishing trip with my buds on Redbud! That's why it was so fun!  It' reminded me of those good old days.  When men were men!  And got'r done!

The irony is that I liked all those guys because they couldn't help it.  They were just mad.

The thing is, I remember I started getting mad.  My dad tells me that my PoPo didn't get mad... it built up... and then he had this snapping point and he got crazy.

I remember on that NightHawk job I started imagining grabbing a two pound hammer and bashing that weldors head in while he was welding and unaware.  I don't think anybody has every made me so mad.

One day, when things had gotten pushed real far, I started to stiffin up.  He knew.  So he started prodding me, "Come on!  You wanna fight?"  I didn't - and I never have which makes me think I never will.  I just kept thinking, "He's a good guy, but I seriously want to hurt him.  The scary part is that I wasn't imagining a confrontation - I was seriously imagining taking him off guard and pulverizing him before he knew what happened - that's crazy!"

We were really best of friends then, and all that washed away...

Maybe the worst was in the crawlspace in 2" of water getting electrocuted while trying to hold 8" black iron fittings... and getting cussed out for not holding the fittings still.

No, maybe the worst... was when...


Kim said...

"If I only had a brain... I wouldn't be a plumber!" - Keith Vetter 1993

Keith said...

I don't know if you know but Brian was the one who started singing, "If I only had a brain..." to me.

Keith said...

I actually got real good at the pipefitting. I ended up doing it by myself without the welder lol

Keith said...
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