June 1, 2011

Shad, Shark, Police And Hospitals

I accidentally gave Kim and Kaley a scare tonight.  I went fishing at Moses Lake.  I was having so much fun in my waders.  Too much fun.  I was in a school of shad (I think).  They were being eaten by some big fish.  I tried for five hours to hook one.  There were so many shad it was amazing.  Thousands upon thousands.  A big shark, probably 6-8 feet (seriously), was in the channel.  It was so alive!  When it turned to night, the shad were sparkling like diamonds.  I got a couple bites.  There were so many shad, I think I would have had to land it in the fish's mouth.  I was casting and doing a jig to snap a shad on my hook - it was that easy.  There was popping and fluttering going on all over the place with the baitfish being nabbed by fish.

When I got home, I was embarrassed to find out that Kim had called hospitals.  The police were on the lookout too.  However, I think everybody knew I was just fishing.

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