June 26, 2011

Squares And Freewill

I just read:
The Freewill Theorem states that given certain conditions, if an experimenter can freely decide what quantities to measure in a particular experiment, then elementary particles must be free to choose their spins in order to make the measurements consistent with physical law. In Conway's provocative wording: "if experimenters have freewill then so do elementary particles."

That was an end to a trail that started with me looking into "Pythagorean triples" and "Fibonacci Triangles" for the square I'm working on (or NOT working on!)  I'm actually making a triangle, not a square, but we call this tool a "square" because it has a "square" angle, that is an angle that would be in a square if we had a square.

I was thinking about model/modelview/delegate/controller stuff the other day.  I had a moment where I drew a blank and I couldn't separate model from view from manipulation.  It was all one... or rather... they all could be interchanged and take on each other's identity depending on how you conceived of it... or maybe rather... something else...  It did remind me of the quote "if experimenters have freewill then so do elementary particles"... That was kinda like the "aha" I had a few posts back... the "aha!" was that sometimes it makes sense for the model to conform to the view via a proxy - a merging of model and view i.e. modelview.  In practice, forcing a separation between the two makes things overly complex... and maybe that is the gist is that we simplify to understand... okay now I'm rambling...

And I had another similar blank the other day when thinking about value and measurement... data... the *real quantity*.  That dissolved into a meaningless adjective... it was like a pointer to a pointer to a pointer that telescoped here and there and formed loops... never really going anywhere.

I draw these blanks sometimes on the most basic things.  Nevertheless, I function and "get it done".  Maybe the telescoping and loops are the threads that weave endlessly forming a tessellation of sorts forming the fabric... like the triangle of triangles of triangles....

And there's randomness involved... so you get this non-determinism... that breaks that theory... hmmm... hmmmm... making it free... but then that folds back into a form of determinism... and it recurses like the triangles... and it flows in time...

And maybe THAT is why I hold both posts!

1 comment:

Keith said...

Little Dune Buggy!