October 9, 2011

House Projects

There are so many things I need to do in/on/under/within/about/on top of "the house".
Does it ever end?
How can such a small house be attached to such a large project list?

For the most part, it keeps us comfortable
For instance, I am dry right now
And it is pouring outside

Way to go house!

Okay, will try and do something small

I ripped out the carpet and two interior doors
A couple weeks ago
Need to do that
Need truck

Mostly, I need motivation
More than me telling myself,
"You gotta DO THIS."
Over and over and over again.
Then I'll say to myself,
"You gotta DO THIS."
Like over and over and over.

I am definitely motivated to be
irritated with myself over the
things I wish I'd just do

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