October 24, 2011

Trouble Getting Motivated

Kaley had to wake me up to give her a drive to the bus stop this morning.  After I got back, I went back to sleep.  Dreamed I was driving on a highway out in the country somewhere.  I am sitting here trying to get motivated to work on the problem from last week.  My brain is refusing to cooperate.  I'm starting to get concerned that I'm reverting to my high school brain - or lack of one.  I can't seem to do anything.  I have actually sat here for 42 minutes... staring at the computer screen... looking outside... adjusting the ceiling fan... changing shirts a couple times... nibbling on a cookie.  I don't even want to make coffee.  That sounds really difficult.  I'm hoping Kim will wake up soon.  She's on Arizona time still.  Goodness.  I think the mosquitoes must have drained my blood count.

Going to try and make coffee.

... oh yes QPersistentModelIndex, persistent data... ughhh... how do i do this???

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