January 18, 2012

Redhot Chili Peppers

Bart's cabbage made it work.  His peppers too.

I just read, "The hotter the chiles one eats, the healthier they are. The hotter the chili, the greater the capsaicin level. The more capsaicin one gets, the more healthful properties one gets. Capsaicin is the endorphin level raiser and the substance that gives such great well-being and health to most major organs, internally and externally. Capsaicin reduces plaque in the vascular system, lowers blood pressure, raises the pulse, assists in digestion, and destroys cancer producing free radicals and more."

I wonder why I have to drink beer, eat hot chili peppers, take psychiatric medication, listen to really screeching-screaming music, prefer hanging off a cliff and generally want to do bad things --- but good things too --- like saving the freaking world using a hand-glider with a rocket in my left hand....

Shoulda been a marine.  Guess I'm a Dix.

Take me to the place I love... take me all the way...

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