September 15, 2023

Surfing In Waikiki, Hawaii

I'm in Waikiki.  This isn't my picture but captures the crazy beautiful sunsets with blue water.  I've been surfing "Pops".  This morning there were only 5 surfers out.

No cellphone needed.  This time, I don't even think I needed the flight confirmation number.  License and credit card are the main things.

What to wear on trip to Oahu: shorts, t-shirt and flip flops.  I'll be honest, I have worn the same shorts and Rolling Stones shirt the entire stay!  I will change for the trip back.  The shirt is just too much fun so have applied deodorant to shirt for 10 days.

Things to take: license, credit card, cash, flight to/from info, combo for condo lockbox (and lockbox number #4?), trunks, rash guard, surfboard (packed with foam insulation and bubble wrap), 1 pair shorts, 2 t-shirts (???), flip flops, 5 pair underwear, nail clippers, glasses (for older eyes), flashlight (for remote at night), sound machine!!!, alarm clock, waterproof zip bag (for condo key), art box, visual journal, deodorant, mask (for flight), toothbrush/toothpaste, paper directions, condo instructions, Oahu maps, a sponge to wash with and maybe a 13 gallon trash bag.

Things to buy here:
Sunscreen and surf wax.  Buy surf wax at Moku's for ~$2!  Get the Hawaiian kind.  I used #65 spray sunscreen and didn't use a hat this time - just found shade for the walk to the library.

A piece of the foam insulation is used to place on the cement underneath the surfboard stall at the condo.

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