April 11, 2011

I Love Programming

What's good about blogging or keeping a journal is that you can learn about yourself.

Yesterday, work seemed like "A Clockwork Orange".  I was going to be strapped to a chair, eyes pinned open, voice box chiming... a horrible nightmare!

When I am trying to solve something and I am struggling with it, the problem becomes something horrible and everything including my dreams are disturbed.  I take the problem personally.  I am in a state of wanting to run away and fight the ugly beast.  I doubt myself for taking the challenge.  I doubt whether I'm capable.

When I solve it, like I just did, all the sudden all the angst subsides and everything seems smooth.

Then, of course, there is the next monster or mini-monster.

PS: One big struggle with programming nowadays is that you don't get to do mini programs that much.  All those are sorta done.  What you have to do is fit into larger frameworks.  I miss the days of fun mini programs that made people happy - wow, you can add a list of numbers that fast??!?!?

1 comment:

Kim said...

So glad you slayed the latest program monster!