May 31, 2011

Lofting A Boat

Been reading that book on wooden boat building.  Woke up at 4:00am thinking about it.

While reading about the woodworking tools I need, I was happy to find out I have the majority.

If I do this, it will involve just about everything I know and love - my dad, engineering, geometry, woodworking, art, fishing, the bay, the outdoors and riding waves.

If, that's a big if, - if I do this, I can already see Mickey and Kovi in the boat excited as ever.  My dad too :-)  And me alone as well :D

I think my first step will be to level the garage floor and make a plywood floor for "lofting" the boat.

The other morning I woke up thinking of names, hmmm what were they???:
  1. Spoonbill I
  2. She Floats
The latest inspiration was a few days ago when I blogged about Kovi and that stick he wanted to watch float across the pond.  BTW, we did go back the next day... and it did make it to the other side :-)

Not even 5:00am.  Dang.  Time to work.  Let's see, where was I? 

QModelIndex ModelIndexMapper::_proxy_index(
    const QAbstractProxyModel& proxy_model, 
    const QModelIndex& root_idx) const
    const QAbstractProxyModel* model =

    QList chain = _proxy_model_chain(&proxy_model);

    QModelIndex proxy_idx = root_idx;
    for (int ii = 1; ii < chain.length(); ii++ ) {
        const QAbstractProxyModel* proxy_model =
        proxy_idx = proxy_model->mapFromSource(proxy_idx);

    return proxy_idx;

Oh yeah... duuuuhannng...

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