May 1, 2011


Great to be able to help out Luka.

I've thought about making Spoonbill Services a non-profit company.

I think as long as I knew my family and I were taken care of, I'd pretty much be ready to give it all away to help kids like Luka.

Odds are - my family will be taken care of by my job.  Only thing is - I'm not sure, so there is this tug of war with worry over saving and nonsense.

Luka's eyes aren't the eyes of a photographer trying to grab you, they are hopeful happy eyes.

High gas prices - what a laugh.

PS: So I thought, what if churches would support people who decided to "give it all away to the poor"... What if churches could somehow insure the livelihood of the givers... with some kind of contract... so people could help with some kind of safety net... under the probability that the giver would overgive and the church would never really have to do anything at all... but just be there in case... --- I bet Google already did that :-)


Anonymous said...

Give, as the Lord directs you. He will supply all you need. Knowing you, you feel guilty because you are so blessed and you think you have to give it all away. It all comes from God, and He has enough for you, your family, and every person He is assigning for you to help. You have an amazing heart, and God will use you to bless the ones He has picked out, like Luka. Don't fret about how that will happen. God also loves your family and wants them well-provided for, because they are extensions of giving too. How did we raise such an amazing son? Love, Mom

Keith said...

I don't feel guilty. I'm more thinking about a business setup. Some of that is because I think I could get more motivated if the business had a cause. On the bottom of my stationary I wrote, "Spoonbill - An earth2mars company", then it went to "Spoonbill - An earth2asteriod company"... yesterday I changed it to "Spoonbill - An earth company"