May 13, 2011

No Silver Bullet, What About Knots?

I wanted to add to my list of silver bullets:

  • Woodworking: Joinery

Joinery, like marriage, is difficult.  Joinery, when it comes to lines, implies knots - even in marriage there is the saying "tying the knot".

The blip: "The Ashley Book Of Knots is the culmination of over 11 years of work. It contains some 7000 illustrations and more than 3854 entries covering over 2000 different knots."

Kim just ordered me a book about "nets".  A net is a structure created by a knotted line.  A net can hold a fish that you catch - maybe even a speckled trout... along an oyster bed... maybe even a stringer of speckled trout...

PS: I think it's funny that we now completely approach things from the abstract and snooze off in our comfortable imaginations.  It used to be we were steeped in fish stink, fishing net in hand, pondering what "a golden net" might be.  Now, we can't even undo fishing net from internet, 3D mesh or spider web... and there's no meaning other than this "deep sense" of what it is... and we smile and sorta doze off in a daydream about something otherworldly - imagining that earthy sweat that once was... but really just snoozing in the A.C. not doing much of anything but feeling like we could if we really wanted to... because once you understand internet and this form of knowledge you can surely visualize, like Barney, a fishing net along with it's nuances.  It's all simple well and done... the callouses of hands over the centuries... an escaped fish through the tear of a net leaving a family hungry... just a smile and past wonder when you can go to Academy and buy one for $12.95... and lose it... but who cares anyways... just buy another one... and another

PPS: This may be a reaction to losing my fishing net I bought from Academy a couple weeks ago.

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