Here is "The Bee Version 0.1"
My theory is, fish... well... if I explained it'd screw things up.
I love it when I get to go off the radar screen, people sorta box you in their heads and you work and work and then --- you get to flip it.
By then, nobody is much paying attention anymore. And whatever comes of whatever really won't be what you did, because you've been boxed in --- but here's the deal --- you are free... and that is how you sting like a bee.
It's about freedom.
If I would listen to 99% of everybody, there wouldn't be "The Bee"... and my son wouldn't have just given me a drawing of "BACKYARD BALLISTICS!"... so screw the man... We'll blow up stuff in our backyards and grow veggies too... Connection to what? To what? Flip!
And flip it again.
I just caught myself screaming a silent scream of something. It's so lucky to be able to do that and live like you believe. There is no disjunction in the day where you are "this guy" and then later "that guy". If I would have followed, I'd have given my soul to that. I write this comment more to Kovi, "When you hit a point where you it vibes you wrong, don't do it." I only hope I can help on that day.
So glad you follow your heart and don't compromise.
Honestly, it's not a statement of that I do, it's more of statement that it's a gift. That's why I say I'm "lucky". It could have rolled either way, I just happened to be in the right position to be able to make the right decision.
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