September 16, 2011

Updates From Johnny Appleseed

Lynn, my mother in law, is at the house. Kim, Kovi and Lynn went apartment hunting. Looks like Lynn is moving here from Austin! I was the one who said "The Preserve" would probably be best and also suggested that she come up here and spend some time looking. "The Preserve" worked. I am looking forward to having Lynn in the neighborhood.

While walking today a neighbor down the way stopped and said, "You like Johnny Appleseed?! You remind me of Johnny Appleseed!" I didn't know what to say. I smiled and kept walking... and wondered what Johnny Appleseed was like and why I was like Johnny Appleseed.

Played catch with the baseball until the neighborhood kids started drizzling over then hid in the backyard and played. I am holing up more and more.

Also played catch and tackle with the football in the backyard with Kovi after Kim picked up the J.R. poop.

For work, working on robot stuff. Have re-studied a lot of math. Mark is working on inverse kinematics. I got an email today that said in these exact words "Spoonbill Authorized Budget Increase"... and I didn't even want to work anymore... and the fact that nobody these days hears of "budget increase" just makes me feel really good.

Worked with Kaley assembling a new sleek desk for her. I think we are about to play dominoes.

Next Saturday, Ross Lake...

Appleseed, out.

PS: On a wild coincidence, for lunch I ate an apple while walking to fish... and tossed the apple into the brush and wondered if 1. would a squirrel eat it 2. would it grow into an apple tree 3. was it illegal to throw apple cores and if a cop were to stop me I wondered if I found the apple core if i would still get the ticket and on and on and on and on...  just amazing how it all connects... like to my friend in Washington...

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