May 3, 2015

Tour De Braz 2015

Larry and I made it again.  We did the 100 miles in almost exact 6 hours this year.  This was 45 minutes faster than last year.  Larry rode with an injured leg.  I think we'd made it even faster had he not been hurt.

I delivered the eulogy at Daryl's funeral.  I "blessed" some 300 people at the funeral with the Vulcan Salute.  I'm quite happy that I wrote it and made it through.

Despite the tragedy, it was fun seeing old friends.  Kris Rohlack and I bbq-ed for everybody and then made a bonfire the night of the funeral.  It was great to see old friends.

Lura, Daryl's sister, wrote me, "Keith, I'm so glad that you came and barbecued Thursday, and then made a fire on Friday. It made this unbearable, intolerable situation a bearable and tolerable- actually fun- situation. Just know that you will always be Keith the Deef, my little brother, who I'm proud of. I love you!!"

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