April 21, 2007

Picasso @ The Garage Sale

We have a community-wide garage sale today. I'm putting up the Picasso Old Guitarist at the garage sale for $10. BUT, I've instructed them not to sell it. I just want to see if I would get any offers.

It has a solid hand-made mahogony frame too.

It is so interesting to me. It is so interesting how production, publicity, marketing and all work. It is a reality, I guess, that you can't look past.

How does art become significant? How do you open the eyes of the blind? When does one begin to look for beauty?

Where am I blind? This is a question I'm always asking. I want to see.

I look for people who get something that I don't get.

Art is significant.


Keith said...

Not one offer yet.

Keith said...

And art is insignificant.