June 10, 2007

Along The Creek - II

Did this again today. This is 18x24.

It is intimidating when you look down at blue, yellow, white, green etc... and then look at the scene... and then this huge white canvas...

Somehow, I pulled this one off. This is how it looks along the creek.

It was very hot today, I sweat out 3 Gatorades.


Keith said...

I had to digitally alter the image since it was speckled again.

I am painting very *thickly* which looks bad under a photo if the light isn't right.

I think the smaller image of the picture is better... or perhaps if you step back a bit.

Anonymous said...

I will think of my Grandpa when I look at this painting. You painted it on the day he died. And he was like a tree planted by streams of water...

Keith said...

I thought about that too. I also thought that I bet he'd like knowing somebody was outside.

And when I drew two trees connected at the base, I thought of you and I.

Anonymous said...

This is lovely!

I loved your thoughts as you were painting it!

Keith said...

Thanks. I am real happy with this one. It's been just about a year of painting now. Can't wait until I can add people. In this one, a guy was fishing at one point... and a couple were sitting on a picnic table too.

I did this in one sitting with no undercoat or anything. At one point, I was in a hurry because I heard thunder and knew it was storming in Sante Fe.

Anyhow, I still have a long ways to go, but I'm making progress.

Penny said...

this looks really great, like your water and shadows.