June 22, 2007


The workers at Starbucks were all excited about the paintings. They said it was "a hit". It was interesting to hear what people liked. The display was so varied that it just about looked schizophrenic. That has sorta been an intention all along. What I gratefully didn't hear was, "They liked your style."

I spoke to somebody last night, and she said that the Lincoln I recently did for Memorial Day was the overall favorite. Then she trailed off and mentioned a few others. Personally, she loved "Mr. Egg Chicken".

This morning, I spoke to the manager. She said her favorites were the beach scene and the fall scene (actually this was done in the dark... and I had no idea what colors I was using). Then she said that overall, the complete abstract I did was the favorite. That was cool. People must have really been looking, because to like it, you'd have to really stare at it. I spent probably two weeks on that painting.

Another thing that is very apparent is the disjunct between what I am showing here on the blog and in person. Size matters, and everything is constrained to a monitor on the blog. Also, the pictures of the paintings that I am blogging sometimes look better than the actual painting, and sometimes worse. I think a good example of this is the wood's scene which everybody seems captivated by online, but in person, not so much. Then there is the Lincoln which doesn't have much presence on the computer. In person, it is 3 feet by 2 feet, and carries much more presence.

Anyways, I think I can use that to my advantage. Things that seem to work small on-line, I may redo largely. Case number one is the Kemah sailboat deal I did. It is 8x11. I am thinking about revisiting the place and doing it again at 18x24.

On another note, somewhere along the way, I decided to postpone any selling. I am not sure why. Maybe I can post something about that later.


Anonymous said...

That is so exciting to hear about! I am not surprised that it was a big hit! I wish I could have been there.
We miss you. See you Saturday, probably early evening.

Keith said...

Miss you too.

Anonymous said...

Der Maler Keith,
FYI...My "recent comments" window on the right side is suddenly back...but i'm still in German or Bohemian or something...

Keith said...

I think you are a Dutch Buggerman.

I know why the recent comments is working.